Problems and Countermeasures on Industrial Developmentof Agriculture
中文关键词: 农业产业化  规律性因素  问题  对策
英文关键词: ag ricultura l industrializa tio n  commo n facto rs  problems  countermeasures
洪英士 中共厦门市委副秘书长、厦门市委农办主任,《厦门月刊》主编,中国行政 管理学会理事、中国行政管理学会政策分会常务理事,《福建论坛》理事 
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      文章从理论分析和实践考察相结合的角度,探讨了农业产业化中的若干规律性因素, 认为农村工业化、城镇化是推进农业产业化的前提,农民和涉农企业是农业产业化的主体,市场机 制是农业产业化的核心,科技进步是农业产业化的生命线,大规模投入是发展农业产业化的基本 手段; 文章针对我国农业产业化中存在的政府直接行为过多、建立市场机制不力、农业与非农产业 联系不紧、契约关系的保障效应低下、科技进步的推动作用不强、资金投入不足等问题,提出了包 括“龙头带动”、“开放推动”、“科技驱动”、“政策引动”、“政府扶动”等措施在内的加快农业产业化 发展的对策。
      Fr om the theo retical a nd practical per spectiv e, the thesis pr obe into the com mon fa ctor s in the indust rialization of ag riculture. The autho r maintains: indust rialization in r ural a reas a nd ur ba niza tio n ar e the premise o f ag ricultural industrializatio n, farmers and ag ri-rela ted e nte rprises ar e the principal par ts of it, mar ket mechanism is th e cor e of it , technological adv ancement is th e mom entum of it, heav y inv estment is the basic mea sur es of it. The thesis touches upo n many problems of ag ricultural industria liza tion in China , such as to o much g ov er nment interv entio n, failures o f mar ket mechanism, loo se r elationship betw ee n ag riculture a nd no n-ag riculture , w ea k g uara ntee on contr act, weak driv ing fo rce o f tech no lo gica l adv ancement, lack o f financial inv estme nt , etc. The thesis puts fo rw ard some co untermeasures fo r these pro blems, including “ promo tion by pilo t enterprise” “ acceler ated by o pening-up” “ driv en by tech no lo gica l adv ancement” “ g uided by po licies” “ suppo r ted by g ov er nment” and etc.
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