A Typological Study on the Lack of Endogenous Motivation in the Poor Population
中文关键词: 贫困人口  内生动力  主观需求  “等靠要冶  类型建构
英文关键词: Poor population  Endogenous motivation  Subjective demand  “Waiting and claiming”  Type construction
基金项目:本文系山东省社会科学规划研究项目“小额信贷扶助农户脱贫的效用机制研究:一个嵌入性视角”(编号:19CSHJ05),中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“贫困人口内生动力缺乏的类型学研究” (编号:2019M650166)的阶段性成果。
杨永伟 山东大学(威海)法学院 
陆汉文 华中师范大学社会学院/ 减贫与发展研究院 
摘要点击次数: 971
全文下载次数: 457
      贫困人口内生动力的缺乏,成为阻碍脱贫攻坚工作顺利推进的重要因素。 已有研究将其作为同质性与先验性问题讨论,未能系统解释并揭开问题发生机制的“黑箱”。 文章聚焦于类型学的分析思路,用个体与社会互动线索贯穿全文,立足贫困人口是否存在发展“需求”,构建出贫困人口内生动力缺乏类型的初步框架(第一层次)。 在此基础上,充分考虑贫困人口在扶贫场域中的实践特点,将缺乏内生动力的贫困个体嵌入到脱贫攻坚的社会实践中(第二层次),归纳出内生动力缺乏的四种常见类型:目标缺失型、文化取向型、信心不足型以及“等靠要”型。 在对不同类型内生动力缺失问题开展过程分析的基础上,有针对性地建构出贫困人口内生动力的培育策略。
      The lack of endogenous motivation of the poor population has become an important factor that hinders the smooth progress of poverty alleviation. Traditional studies discuss it as a homogeneous and priori problem, and fail to explain and uncover the “black box” of the mechanism of the problem. Focusing on the analysis of typology, it runs through the clues of interaction between individuality and society, and constructs a preliminary framework (first level) on the lack of endogenous motivation of the poor population, based on whether there is a “demand” for the development of the poor population. On this basis, taking fully into account the practical characteristics of the poor population in the field of poverty alleviation, the poor individuals who lack endogenous motivation are embedded in the social practice of combating poverty (the second level). Four common types of endogenous motivation deficiency are summarized: target deletion type, cultural orientation type, confidence deficiency type and “waiting and claiming” type. It is important to analyze the process of different types of endogenous motivation deficiency, and construct the cultivation strategies of endogenous motivation for the poor population.
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