As the Reason, Characterization of Poverty and Consequence of Intervention——— Mental Poverty in the Context of Western Poverty Research
中文关键词: 精神贫困  致贫原因  贫困表征  干预后果
英文关键词: Mental poverty  The reason of poverty  The characterization of poverty  The consequence of intervention
基金项目:国家社会科学基金青年项目“农村精神贫困问题及其治理研究” (18CSH026)、中国博士后科学基金项目“农村精神贫困的发生机制与治理路径研究”(2018M630090)阶段性研究成果。
刘 欣 北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院 
摘要点击次数: 944
全文下载次数: 576
      精神贫困作为减贫政策的话语实践或研究概念,一度被视为导致贫困发生的关键原因。 随着贫困研究及减贫干预实践的深入,精神贫困开始作为一种贫困的表征或减贫干预的意外后果而存在。纵观西方贫困研究的历史和实践,精神贫困在致贫、持贫以及减贫干预中的影响不断受到关注和讨论,形成了作为致贫原因、贫困表征以及减贫干预后果的精神贫困等不同解释维度。 文章沿时间顺序追溯和梳理西方贫困研究脉络中的精神贫困问题,旨在为当前我国脱贫攻坚进程中的精神贫困问题提供相应的政策和理论关照。
      As a discourse of poverty reduction or research concept, mental poverty was once regarded as the key reason of poverty. With the deepening of poverty research and poverty reduction intervention practice, mental poverty is also regarded as the characterization of poverty or unintended consequences of poverty reduction intervention. Throughout the history of poverty studies in the West, the impact of mental poverty in causing, maintaining and reducing poverty has been continuously concerned and discussed, forming different explanatory dimensions such as mental poverty as the reason, the characterization of poverty, and unexpected consequences of poverty reduction interventions. This article traces and sorts out the mental poverty problem in the context of Western poverty research in chronological order, aiming at providing a corresponding theoretical basis on understanding and solving the current situation in the process of China’s poverty alleviation.
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