How to Understand Poverty: Reflections on the Perspective of Japanese Poverty Studies
中文关键词: 扶贫  贫困研究  日本研究  比较
英文关键词: Poverty alleviation  Poverty research  Japanese research  Comparison
冯 川 武汉大学政治与公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1093
全文下载次数: 593
      由于研究的起步较晚,国内学界对于贫困现象本身的剖析和学者的想象力还有待进一步开掘。 日本的贫困研究成果和研究径路,为我们深入贫困研究提供了一个参照系。 从理解贫困的基准、贫困的产生、贫困生活和贫困救济四个方面着手,梳理日本的贫困研究成果,并总结其对我国学界进一步深化对于贫困的认识、拓展对于贫困治理研究的若干启示,是十分必要的。 从日本的研究成果反观我国的贫困研究,为了更深入地理解贫困,我们需要全方位把握农民的生活状态和生计逻辑,充分认识贫困生产机制的复杂性,并需重视用“生计术”视角观察和理解农民的生计行为,包括一些可能在一般道德立场和价值观念中受到批判的生计行为。 在国家和各级政府大力推进“精准扶贫”的今天,面对存在的诸多困境,我们也许可以从历史的脉络中、从与其他国家贫困救济史的比较中,为理解贫困治理的困境找到更明晰的谱系学定位和更深入的阐释空间。
      Due to the late start of the research, domestic scholars’ analysis of the poverty phenomenon itself and the imagination of scholars need to be further explored. Japanese poverty research results and research approaches provide a frame of reference for our deep research on poverty. Starting from understanding the benchmarks of poverty, the generation of poverty, the life of poverty and poverty relief, we sort out the results of poverty research in Japan, and summarize some of the implications for the deepening of poverty understanding and the development of poverty governance in China. From the research results of Japan to the study of poverty in China, in order to understand poverty more deeply, we need to grasp the living conditions and livelihood logic of the peasants in an all-round way, fully understand the complexity of the poverty production mechanism, and pay attention to the observation from the perspective of “living”, and understanding peasants’ live-lihoods, including some livelihoods that may be criticized in general moral positions and values. When governments at all levels vigorously promote “precise poverty alleviation”, in the face of many difficulties, we may find the possible way of explanation from the historical context and from the comparison of poverty relief history with other countries.
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