A Case Study on the Distribution Method of Rural Production Materials in the Period of System Transformation———Take ShenJia Village, Zichuan District, Shandong Province as an Example
中文关键词: 集体化时期  承包责任制  生产资料的分配  农村社会
英文关键词: Collectivization period  Contract responsibility system  Distribution of means of production  Rural society
基金项目:本研究得到教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大研究项目 “ 现 代 中 国 的 日 常 生 活”(11JJD770026)的资助。
徐 蕴 南开大学历史学院 
摘要点击次数: 977
全文下载次数: 412
      20 世纪 80 年代初,中国农村社会正处在由集体化制度向承包责任制转型的历史阶段,对集体生产资料的下分到户,成为广大农村实现体制过渡的关键一环。 位于山东省淄博市的沈家村在中央的政策肯定、上级的行政指导下,以生产队为单位,因地制宜地对全大队的生产资料进行了统筹分配,其对耕地、股金、生产工具类固定资产的分配过程和方法,揭示了国家权力与农村社会相互碰撞的具体场景,也呈现出农村基层在实践中的地方色彩与灵活性,而村民对于分配的不同态度,则是体制迅猛变迁下国家与地方社会复杂矛盾的生动体现。
      Early 1980s, Chinese society is in the historical stage of transition from collectivization system to contract responsibility system. But for a long time, the academic circles didn’t pay enough attention to the subtle change process of the rural society. Based on the village-level documents of Shenjia Village, Zichuan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, by focusing on describing details of the household distribution under the means of collective production such as cultivated land during the disintegration of the collective system in the village, the paper shows the concrete scene of the collision between state power and peasant society, the local flexibility of rural grassroots in practice.
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