新中国成立以来我国高等教育城乡不均衡的最新演变———基于 CGSS2015 数据的分析
The Latest Evolution of Urban-Rural Inequality in Higher Education in China———Based on the Analysis of CGSS2015 Data
中文关键词: 高等教育  “90 后"  机会分配  城乡不均衡
英文关键词: Higher education  “Post-90s"  Distribution of opportunities  urban-rural inequality
吴 炜 南京理工大学公共事务学院 
摘要点击次数: 2303
全文下载次数: 950
      Using the data from the China General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2015, the article examines the new changes in the allocation of higher education enrollment opportunities between urban and rural areas in China. The results show that: first, the urban-rural inequality in the allocation of higher education enrollment opportunities still exists; Second, compared with the “post-80s” generation. The urban-rural differences in the distribution of higher education opportunities in the “post-90s” are significantly lower; Third, The decrease of urban-rural education inequality is more manifested in the level of quantity. On the qualitative level, there is no significant change in the degree of urban-rural inequality in undergraduate education relative to specialist education. Based on the existing research results, this article presents a complete picture of the evolution of Urban-Rural Inequality in higher education after the 70 years of the founding of New China, which first declined, then rose and then fell. It is of great significance to understand the evolution of urban-rural inequality in higher education in the past 70 years, and also provides an empirical basis for putting forward more targeted educational equity policies in the new era.
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