国家治理视角下的乡城关系 70 年变迁及展望
The Changing Relationship between Urban and Rural during 70 Years and Trend on the Thought of State Governance of State Governance
中文关键词: 国家治理  乡城关系  变迁过程  未来展望
英文关键词: State governance  the Relationship between urban and rural  Changing process  Future trend
于东山 太原理工大学政法学院 
摘要点击次数: 2348
全文下载次数: 1223
      新中国成立 70 年以来,国家治理视角下的乡城关系变迁可分为二元发展、同质发展、包容发展三个阶段。 在党的领导下,乡城关系变迁符合国家治理能力建设的基本要求,通过渐进式改革方式,满足了人民不断变化的需求。 乡城关系的未来发展方向是乡城一体化,在市场效率优势充分显现的基础上,统一基本公共服务标准,进而构建基于正确处理政府与市场关系的多元主体协同治理机制,成为国家治理能力和治理体系现代化的内容构成和动力来源
      On the thought of state governance, the changing process of relationship between urban and rural is divided into dual development, homogeneous development and inclusive development since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the changing process of relationship between urban and rural fits in the basic request of state governance abilities construction. The future tend is urban-rural integration. In the process of market efficiency improvement, building the uniform standard of urban-rural basic public services, and constructing many bodies collaborative governance mechanism based on the relationship between government and market, becomes the content and stimulus of state governance abilities and state governance system modernization.
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