新中国成立 70 年来反贫困的历史、经验与启示
Review, Introspection and Enlightenment on Anti-poverty since 1949
中文关键词: 社会救济  精准扶贫  扶贫治理  中国方案
英文关键词: Social assistance  Precise poverty alleviation  Poverty alleviation governance  China' plans
基金项目:国家民委民族研究项目“民族地区 2020 年后贫困形势变化与扶贫治理转型研究冶 (项目编号:2019”GMC-028)的阶段性研究成果。
许汉泽 南京航空航天大学人文与社会科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 2261
全文下载次数: 1363
      “摆脱贫困,实现共同富裕”是社会主义的本质要求,中国共产党对于农村贫困人口的关注作为一种初心贯穿着中国革命和社会建设的整个过程。 1949 年之后中国的扶贫治理可以分为“救济式扶贫阶段”“发展式扶贫阶段”“开发式扶贫阶段” “综合式扶贫阶段”以及“脱贫攻坚阶段”五个时期。而且随着阶段不同,国家所采取的扶贫治理措施与手段有着很大的差异。 扶贫治理 70 年,逐渐形成了国家主导下的扶贫治理体制,治理手段也越来越专业化与精细化。 中国扶贫领域的治理实践典型地呈现出共产党革命成功经验、中国传统治理资源和西方国家先进治理方法的“三江汇流”之势,同时中国的扶贫经验也为世界其他国家与地区的反贫困事业提供了中国智慧与中国方案。
      “Getting rid of poverty and realizing common prosperity” is the essential requirement of socialism. The attention to the rural poor is taken as a tradition by the Communist Party of China which runs through the whole process of Chinese revolution and construction. Historically, China’s poverty alleviation can be divided into the following periods after 1949: Relief-oriented poverty alleviation stage, Developing-oriented poverty alleviation stage, Development-oriented poverty alleviation stage and Precise poverty alleviation stage. Moreover, with the different stages, the measures and means adopted by the state to alleviate poverty are quite different. Over the past 70 years, our country has gradually formed a stateled governance system for poverty alleviation and the means of governance have become more and more refined. China’s current governance practice in the field of poverty alleviation presents the “ three rivers convergence” of the successful experience of the Communist revolution, the traditional Chinese governance resources and the advanced governance methods of the Western countries. At the same time, China’s poverty alleviation experience has also provided China's wisdom and China' plans for the anti-poverty cause of other countries and regions in the world.
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