Change in Contemporary Chinese Social Structure and Rural Justice
中文关键词: 乡村社会  社会变迁  乡村司法  乡村人民法庭
英文关键词: Rural society  Social change  Rural justice  Village people蒺s tribunal
基金项目:本文系 2014 年度国家社会科学基金青年项目(项目批准号:14CFX067)的阶段性研究成果。
张 青 云南大学法学院 
摘要点击次数: 2181
全文下载次数: 1061
      新中国成立尤其是改革开放以来,我国乡村社会结构发生了深刻的变迁。 从宏观社会背景看,随着社会经济的持续发展,乡土社会的“地方性冶特征正趋于消解,传统以地缘和血缘为纽带形成的非正式社会规范日渐式微,乡村社会呈现出利益分化与规范多元的格局。 从微观社会结构看,虽存在较大的地区差异,但进入诉讼渠道的案件类型中陌生人/ 半陌生人纠纷以及经济类纠纷总体占比较高且有持续增长的趋势。 与此同时,乡村人民法庭在硬件设施、人员结构以及司法的规范化层面亦获得充分的发展。 这一系列深层次的转变,构成了当代中国乡村法治建设和乡村司法全新的社会背景。 为顺应变迁后的乡村社会及其法治需求,亟需转变现行理论和政策层面对乡村司法的工具主义定位。
      Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up policy, China’s rural social structure has undergone profound changes. From the perspective of macro-social background, with the continuous development of social economy, the “local冶 characteristics of rural society are tending to dying, meanwhile, the traditional informal social norms formed by geography and blood relationship are gradually weakening, and the rural society presents a pattern of interest differentiation and norm diversification. From the perspective of micro-social structure, although there are large regional differences, the types of strangers disputes cases and those cases of people are not very familiar and not very strange besides economic disputes cases entering litigation channel generally account for a relatively high proportion and have a trend of continuous growth. At the same time, the Rural People's Court has also been fully elaborated in terms of hardware facilities, personnel structure and judicial standardization. This series of profound changes constitutes the new social back-ground of rural legal construction and rural judicature in contemporary China. In order to comply with the need of changing rural society and its rule of law, it is necessary to change the instrumentalist orientation of rural judicature from the perspective of current theories and policies.
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