Internet Anthropology:A New Path to the Development of Anthropology in the New Era
中文关键词: 互联网人类学  互联网  应用
英文关键词: Internet anthropology  Internet  Apply
基金项目:本文系国家民委民族研究项目“‘互联网 + ‘ 时代民族团结和民族关系研究” (项目批准号:2017-GMG 027)的阶段性成果。
姬广绪 中山大学移民与族群研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 1267
全文下载次数: 571
      进入 21 世纪,互联网开始全面渗透进人们的日常生活,人类学开始关注互联网的研究,产生了新的研究领域———互联网人类学。 文章讨论了互联网人类学的相关研究,包括各类新技术、新媒体等在人类学中的应用,互联网人类学的学术视野,以及互联网对传统人类学研究话题的提升,互联网人类学与当代世界的发展等。 人类学研究的互联网化将成为中国人类学发展的重要趋势,将互联网人类学同中国研究相结合,是构建人类学的中国互联网研究的新路径。
      In the 21st century, the Internet began to fully penetrate into people’s daily lives. Anthropology began to pay attention to Internet research and produced a new field of research - Internet anthropology. This paper discusses the related researches of Internet anthropology, including the application of various new technologies and new media in anthropology, the academic vision of Internet anthropology, and the promotion of the topic of traditional anthropology influenced by the Interne and so on. The Internetization of anthropological research will become an important trend in the development of anthropology in China. Combining Internet with anthropology research is a new path for the construction of anthropology on internet in China
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