Public Field Reconstruction, Community Ownership and Urban Integration of Landless Peasants
中文关键词: 公共场域  社区归属感  失地农民  城市融入
英文关键词: Public field  Community ownership  Landless peasants  Urban integration
基金项目:教育部人文社科基金项目“农村征地次生冲突的形成机理及其治理研究” (16YJA630049),浙江省社科基金项目“虚拟公共场域中微信舆情的传播机制及其防控研究”(20NDJC130YB)。
唐云锋 浙江财经大学公共管理学院 
刘 涛 浙江财经大学土地与社会发展研究院 
徐小溪 浙江外国语学院战略管理处 
摘要点击次数: 1326
全文下载次数: 770
      失地农民市民化过程中的城市融入问题,已经成为我国当前社会转型中亟需解决的现实难题。 本文从“场域—惯习冶视角分析失地农民在交往场域、文化场域与参与场域中的城市融入困难,发现失地农民在城市融入过程中,由于交往场域缺失、文化场域融合困难以及参与场域行为障碍所导致的失地农民社区归属感不强,是影响其城市融入的主要原因。 因此需要协助失地农民通过交往场域的构建、文化场域的改进与参与场域的创新,重构社区公共场域来促进其城市融入。
      The problem of urban integration in the process of urbanization of landless peasants has became a realistic problem, that needs to be solved urgently in China‘s current social transformation. This paper analyzes the urban integration difficulties of land-losing farmers in the communication field, cultural field and participating field from the perspective of “field-habitus“. It is found that in the process of urban integration, the lack of communication field, the difficulty of cultural field integration and the obstacles to participating in the field behavior cause the lack of community belonging of landlosing farmers, which is the main reason that affects the urban integration. Therefore, it is necessary to assist landlosing farmers to reorganize the public sphere of the community to promote the process of urban integration through the construction of the exchange field, the improvement of the cultural field and the innovation of the participating fields.
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