Scale of Effective Governance of State and Society
中文关键词: 基本单元  有效治理  空间形态  合理规模
英文关键词: Basic unit  Effective governance  Spatial form  Moderate scale
基金项目:国家社科基金重大项目“中国共产党建党以来农村基层组织资料收集与数据库建设冶 (项目编号:18ZA128),中央高校基本科研业务费项目“多层自治视角下的农村村民小组自治研究冶 (项目编号:CCNU17A03051)。
胡平江 华中师范大学中国农村研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1331
全文下载次数: 588
      当前,大量学者认为较小的“基本单元冶有利于村民自治的实现。 而基本单元的形成是国家权力和社会认同共同作用的结果,其有效性取决于治理主体是否独立、治理规则是否具有公共性、治理秩序是否能够有效供给三个维度。 在现代民族国家建构过程中,我国并未经历西方血缘单元解体的过程,基本单元的确立既受到传统血缘关系的影响,也受国家建构的影响,因此存在“较小规模冶与“较大规模冶之争。 以“行政村冶为基本单元开展村民自治尽管存在规模过大,内生性不足等问题,但是其所依赖的治理主体、治理规则更加符合现代治理的需要。 当前在以自然村或村民小组这一较小基本单元挖掘传统治理要素过程中仍然应注意其可能面临的治理主体独立性缺乏,治理规则公共性不足等限度。
      In the researches on the villagers autonomy, many scholars believe that the smaller basic unit is beneficial to the realization of villagers autonomy. It depends on three dimensions that are whether the subject of governance is independent, whether the rules of governance are public, whether the order of governance can be supplied effectively. In the process of building nation-state, China has not experienced the disintegration of blood unit that happened in western countries. The formation of basic units is influenced by both kinship and state-building, so the debate between “ the smaller scale” and “the larger scale” exists. Although there are some problems of implementing villagers autonomy when the administration village is regarded as the basic unit, such as scoop is too large and endogeneity is insufficient. However, the subject and the rules of governance that depends are more attuned to the needs of modern governance. At present, when exploring the factors of governance of traditional clan with the smaller scale basic unit of natural village or villagers’ group, it is still necessary to pay attention to possibility of lacking independence of governance subject and publicity of governance rules.
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