Between City and Countryside: Li Dazhao’s View of Social Bilingual Remolding of Spirit and Material
中文关键词: 李大钊  道德革命  物质改造  社会改造  到农村去
英文关键词: Li Dazhao  Moral revolution  Material reform  Social reform  Going to the countryside
基金项目:2019 年教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“美国农村社会学的兴衰史研究及其对中国农村研究的借鉴意义冶(19YJC840031)。
马学军 中国农业大学人文与发展学院 
摘要点击次数: 1844
全文下载次数: 802
      李大钊是中共第一个马克思主义者,他主张“灵肉一致冶和“物心两面冶的社会改造观。 早期他受托尔斯泰人道主义和泛劳动主义的影响,主张道德革命和精神改造,号召青年发扬劳动主义,到民间去与农民为伍。 在接受马克思主义之后,李大钊也主张物质改造运动,但他认为物质改造和阶级斗争仅是手段,最终还是要达到互助和人道主义的精神目标。 李大钊后来虽也提出“工人政治冶的表述,也领导了中共的工人运动,但随着都市工人运动的失败,他较早提出中国革命应依靠农民、应到农村开展农村革命。 深入研究李大钊的思想,对我们理解以无产阶级为基础的中共,从城市革命转向农村革命,具有重要的理论意义。
      Li Dazhao was the first Marxist of the CCP, he advocated a movement of bilingual remolding of spirit and material. In the early days, he was influenced by Tolstoy’s humanitarianism and pan-laborism, alleged the moral revolution and spiritual reform, called upon the youth to carry forward laborism and go to join with peasant. Although after accepting Marxism, he advocated material reform movement, he still believed material reform and class struggle were just means while the ultimate goal was to realize mutual aids and humanitarianism. He put forward “worker politics冶 and actually led workers’ movements, but with the failure of the urban workers’ movement, he believed Chinese revolution relied more on peasants and needed peasant revolutions in the countryside. An in-depth study on Li Dazhao’s thoughts will promote our understanding of the CCP which based on the proletariat but turned to the rural revolution lastly.
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