The Politics of Dwelling: Formation Mechanism and Social Consequences of Migrant Workers’ Residential Segregation
中文关键词: 居住的政治  农民工  居住隔离
英文关键词: Politics of dwelling  Migrant workers  Residential segregation
基金项目:国家社科基金青年项目“户籍制度改革背景下农民工永久迁移意愿及其影响因素研究”(17CRK010); 杭州市优秀中青年社科人才专项课题(2017RCZX05)
陆文荣 杭州市社会科学院社会学研究所 
段 瑶 浙江中科商学研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1388
全文下载次数: 653
      文章将居住隔离理论视角引入农民工居住问题的研究,通过对全国七城市流动人口调查数据和长三角地区七城市劳工调查数据农民工子样本的分析,揭示了外来农民工在流入地城市“大分散、小集中”的块状分布状态。 文章从结构和行动两个维度探讨了这一居住空间分布的形成机制,全景呈现了城市亚文化区域作为居住隔离的社会后果及其内部特征。 最后还对杭州市三位一体的外来人口住房保障体系做了重点介绍,希冀有所启发。
      Based on the perspective of residential segregation theory, by using data collected from seven cities in China and seven cities across the Yangtze river delta region, this paper concluded that the residential space of the migrant workers presents a clustered distribution of “ large dispersion and small concentration”。 Then the author discussed the formation mechanism of this residential distribution from structure and action dimensions, ,as well as the social consequences of the migrant workers’ residential segregation. At the end, this paper introduced Hangzhou’s housing security system for migrant population.
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