Troubles on Choosing School: Academic Gap between Migrant Children and Rural Children
中文关键词: 自选择效应  学校效应  农民子女  成绩差距
英文关键词: Self-selection effects  School effects  Migrant students  Examination performance gap
袁舟航 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、中国科学院大学 
摘要点击次数: 1891
全文下载次数: 695
      随着农村劳动力外出务工比例的快速增加,农村流动家庭面临着将子女留在农村公立学校就读,或是把子女带到务工所在城市公立学校或打工子弟学校就读的艰难选择。 文章使用作者调查的在上海打工子弟学校上学的安徽籍学生和安徽籍学生户籍所在地农村公立学校上学的儿童数据,采用多元线性回归法估计不同类型学校就读学生之间的数学成绩差距并分析造成差距的原因。 研究发现,安徽农村小学学生的数学成绩要远好于安徽籍在上海打工子弟学校就读学生,学生个人和家庭特征只能解释小部分数学成绩差距,学校设施、班主任质量才是造成学生差距的最关键因素。
      With the rapid increase in the proportion of migrant workers in China, rural residents today face hard choice on sending their children back to a public school in their home town or having them attend a private migrant school or a public school near their working place. This paper uses the investigation data to measure the examination performance gap between the students, with birthplace in Anhui Province, in private migrant schools in Shanghai and students in the public rural schools in Anhui. Multivariate linear regression is used to estimate the gap among the students in different types of schools. The findings show that students in public rural schools perform much better than students in private migrant schools especially in the standard mathematical test. Authors found the school facilities and teachers’ personal qualities are the key factors causing the gap, however, students’ personal and family characteristics can only be a small reason involved but not a whole. That self-selection effects can only account for a small part of the gap. Both of school effects and teacher effects explain the academic gap of the students from the two types of schools.
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