留守经历与精神健康——基于 80 后外来工的实证分析
Left-behind Experience and Mental Health——An Empirical Study of Migrant Workers Born after 1980
中文关键词: 留守经历  留守儿童  精神健康  外来工  新生代农民工
英文关键词: Left-behind experience  Left-behind children  Mental health  Migrant workers  New generation of migrant workers
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(71774138);浙江省之江青年项目(18ZJQN01YB);2017 年浙江大学学科交叉预研专项项目
刘志军 浙江大学社会学系、社会调查研究中心、地方政府与社会治理研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 1889
全文下载次数: 883
      采用珠三角和长三角2 385名80后外来工的调查数据,在倾向值匹配基础上,考察留守经历对外来工精神健康的影响。 结果表明,留守经历对外来工的精神健康具有调节作用,在学前、小学或初中的某个阶段有过留守经历者更有可能处于精神健康高危状态,其中又以学前及初中阶段的留守经历的影响更大;但长时间的留守生活反而可能增强个人的抗逆力,显示儿童具有一种比较强的自我调适功能。 此外,与兄弟姐妹们一起生活的留守儿童,成年后的精神健康状况更差。 因此,对留守儿童的关爱保护,需综合考虑客观外在的“留守负荷冶“留守环境冶及主观内在的“留守适应冶因素。 而针对已成年的有留守经历外来工,需从劳动自由、团体关怀、柔性管理、身体保健、业余生活改善等方面做出努力。
      Using survey data of 2385 migrant workers born after 1980 who worked in 19 cities located at Yangtze Delta and Pearl River Delta, the present study aimed to explore the long-term consequences of left-behind experience during childhood on mental health based on propensity score matching. Several dual logistic models were constructed and the results showed that left-behind experience during childhood had significant regulating effects on migrant workers’ mental health. Those who were left-behind during childhood are more likely to face high risks of mental health, especial those left-behind during pre-school stage or middle school stage. The analysis also showed that longtime left-behind experience could probably strengthen their resilience. In addition, left-behind children guarded by their siblings may encounter higher mental health risks after grown up. Thus, we should take comprehensive consideration of left-behind burden, left-behind environment and subjective left-behind adaption to provide more appropriate care and protection for left-behind children. To those migrant workers who had left-behind experience during childhood, we should provide for them more labor freedom, collective care, flexible regulation, physical exercise access and better recreation to reduce risks of mental health.
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