Embedded Rule of Law: Based on Self-organization for Rural Governance
中文关键词: 乡村治理  自组织  嵌入式法治
英文关键词: Rural governance  Self-organization  Embedded rule of law
基金项目:国家社科基金青年项目 “乡村振兴战略下乡贤治村问题的法律对策研究” (项目编号:18CFX006); 国家社科基金专项课题“健全自治、法治、德治相结合的乡村治理体系研究”(批准号 18VSJ064)
陈寒非 首都经济贸易大学法学院 
摘要点击次数: 1535
全文下载次数: 547
      通过调查黔东南地区归平侗寨房族组织结构及其特点发现,房族组织是当地重要的乡村自组织,法治巧妙地“嵌入”族规和纠纷解决之中。 乡村自组织资源非常丰富,是乡村治理的重要主体和法治推进的本土资源。 法治嵌入乡村自组织主要有制度嵌入、规则嵌入以及行动嵌入三种方式。 制度嵌入主要通过“行政权主导乡村自组织制度设计”机制实现;规则嵌入主要通过“正式规则的非正式转化”机制实现;行动嵌入主要通过“正式权力的非正式运作”机制实现。 基于乡村自组织的“嵌入式法治”是当前乡村治理法治化的重要模式,也是实现乡村振兴战略中“治理有效”目标的关键。
      Through investigating the organizational structure and characteristics of the clan in the Dong Village in Guizhou province , it is found that the clan is an important local self-organization in the village, and the rule of law is cleverly “embedding” ethnic rules and dispute solution. The resources of rural self-organizing are very rich, and they are the important subject of rural governance and local resources for the promotion of the rule of law. There are three main ways of embedding the rule of law in rural self-organization, including system embedding, rule embedding, and action embedding. The system embedding is mainly operated through the mechanism of administrative power leading rural self-organizing system design. The rule embedding is mainly operated through the mechanism of informal transformation from formal rules. The action embedding is mainly operated through the mechanism of informal operation from formal power. The Embedded Rule of Law based on rural self-organization is an important model for current rule of law in rural governance, and it is also the key to a chieving the goal of effective governance in the rural revitalization strategy.
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