The Action Logic of Migrant Workers’ Non-permanent Migration in Uncertainty Society
中文关键词: 农民工  不确定性  非永久迁移  城镇化
英文关键词: Migrant workers  Uncertainty  Non-permanent migration  Urbanization
基金项目:湖北省社会科学基金项目“新型城镇化背景下农民工的乡城迁移———基于液态现代性的视角”2017170 )、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“农民工乡城迁移行动研究“(2662015QD015)、“精准扶贫背景下农村贫困学生义务教育补偿研究”(2662017PY097)
李 飞 华中农业大学社会工作系、农村社会建设与管理研究中心 
杜云素 长江大学法学院 
摘要点击次数: 1588
全文下载次数: 637
      中国社会已进入一个高度流动、难以预测的不确定性时代。 农民工一方面难以从资本那里获得稳定工作和报酬的承诺,另一方面也难以从国家那里获得充足且稳定的保障预期。 田野调查发现,农民工深切地体验到就业市场、社会保障、社会资本、城市生活环境等方面的不确定性和风险性。 这些风险体验形塑了农民工不确定性的乡城迁移态度以及非永久迁移的行动选择。 从深层次看,农民工的非永久迁移,实质是生存理性下的一种再传统化行动,即希望通过回归村落共同体以应对系统风险。 为此,在乡村振兴的战略下,应注重村落共同体的维续和发展,给予农民工逆城镇化的机会。 同时,应采取流动的城镇化策略,即不应以定居的视角来推动城镇化,而是建立一个开放流动的公共服务和社会保障体系,那样可能更能满足农民工城镇化的现实需求。
      Chinese society has entered a highly mobile and unpredictable era of uncertainty. For migrant workers, on the one hand, it is difficult to obtain stability and remuneration from the capital, on the other hand, it is difficult to obtain adequate and stable safeguards from the country. The field survey found that migrant workers deeply experienced the uncertainty and risk of employment market, social security, social capital and urban living environment. This risk experience directly affected the migrant workers’ willingness to migrate permanently. From a deeper perspective, the non-permanent migration choice of migrant workers is a kind of retraditional strategy under the rationality of survival, that is, through the return to the village community to deal with systemic risk. Thus, in the strategy of rural revitalization, we should pay attention to the maintenance and development of the village community, give migrant workers the opportunity of counter-urbanization. At the same time, this paper proposes a mobile urbanization strategy, that is, the urbanization should not be promoted from the perspective of settlement, but by establishing an open and mobile public service and social security system, which may be more able to meet the migrant workers realistic demand.
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