Division System in Modern Agriculture and Semi-Proletarianization of Small-Scale Farmers—Re-understanding of Marxist Theory of Peasant Economy
中文关键词: 分工深化  生产社会化  小农家庭经营  半无产化
英文关键词: Deepening of division of labor  Socialization of production  Family management of small farmers  Semi-proletarianization
基金项目:国家社科基金专项课题“新时代乡村振兴战略研究———从农民合作入手构建以乡村为主体的新型发展模式"(项目批准号 18VSJ019)、中国博士后科学基金资助项目“乡村振兴战略视野下的新型集体经济研究"(资助编号:2018M631037)
张慧鹏 中山大学马克思主义学院 
摘要点击次数: 2018
全文下载次数: 742
      马克思恩格斯认为,随着资本主义市场的扩张,竞争推动分工不断深化,生产走向社会化,个体化小生产必然要被社会化大生产所淘汰,小农变成无产者。 当今时代,包括中国在内的很多国家,农业生产已经高度社会化,小农家庭经营的生产组织形式没有消失,但小农户已经被整合进高度社会化的农业产业分工体系,从属和依附于大资本,处在半无产化状态。 个体小农分散经营已经不能适应生产社会化的需要,通过农民组织化重构食物生产与流通体系,成为必然要求。
      Marx and Engels believed that with the expansion of capitalist market, competition promoted the deepening of labor division, and the socialization of production, individualized small-scale production would inevitably be eliminated by socialized large-scale production, and small-scale farmers would become proletarians. Nowadays, in many countries, including China, agricultural production has been highly socialized, and the production organization form of small-scale farmers’ family management has not disappeared. However, small-scale farmers have been integrated into the highly socialized agricultural industrial division system, subordinated to and dependent on large capital, and are in a semi-proletarian state. Individual small-scale farmers’ decentralized management can no longer meet the needs of socialization of production. It is necessary to reconstruct the food production and circulation system through farmers’ organization.
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