The Agrarian Question and Agrarian Change in the Perspective of Neoclassical and New Institutional Economics
中文关键词: 新古典经济学  新制度经济学  农政问题  农政变迁  国家发展
英文关键词: Neoclassical economics  New institutional economics  Agrarian question  Agrarian change  National development
叶敬忠 中国农业大学人文与发展学院 
王 丹 中国农业大学人文与发展学院 
摘要点击次数: 1396
全文下载次数: 690
      新古典与新制度经济学对农政问题与农政变迁的分析严格遵循经济学学科的分析范式,将农民界定为追求个人效用最大化的理性个体,将农业视为可以从生产要素角度进行拆解的经济部门。该视角坚信,农业的发展即是不断优化资源配置进而实现生产效率最大化。 为此,新古典经济学强调市场在资源配置中的基础作用,而新制度经济学则致力于减少资源流通过程中产生的交易费用。 在农地要素方面,产权变革与市场流转是该视角关注的重点。 虽然新古典与新制度经济学的理论学说可以部分解释中国的农政变迁历程,但学术界对其质疑始终存在。 越来越多的研究者强调要从中国独特的发展经验出发,建立解释自身农政转型与农政变迁的理论体系。
      Studies on agrarian question and agrarian change in the perspective of neoclassical economics and new institutional economics strictly follow the economic discipline paradigm. It starts with the basic hypothesis that peasants are rational individuals for pursuing maximization of utilities. It regards agriculture as an economic sector within which, economic factors can be assembled and disassembled. This perspective believes that the development of agriculture is a process of maximization of productive efficiency by optimizing resource allocation. Thus, neoclassical economics highly emphasizes the fundamental role of the market in resource allocation, while new institutional economics aims at reducing the transaction costs in resource circulation. In the aspect of land, reform of property rights and market transfer are the key issues. Although neoclassical and new institutional economics have been proved to be effective on explaining part of agrarian change in China, criticisms about its applicability on Chinese situation always exist. More and more scholars are trying to construct theories that can better explain China’s agrarian transition and agrarian change based on China爷s own development experiences.
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