农村义务教育“衰败冶 :危机与反思———以J省N地区六所农村小学为例的观察与分析
The Decline of Compulsory Education in Rural China:Crisis and the Reflection———The Observation and Analysis Based on six Rural Primary Schools in N District,J Province
中文关键词: 农村义务教育“衰败冶  教育进城  乡土社会危机
英文关键词: The decline of compulsory education in rural China  Education into the city  Local social crisis
基金项目:本文为国家社科基金课题青年项目“产业治理中的社会微观秩序研究冶 (项目号:11CSH036)的阶段性成果之一。
梁 波 南昌大学公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1556
全文下载次数: 638
      近年来,我国部分地区农村义务教育的发展呈现出较明显的“衰败冶特征:一方面是大量的农村生源、师资、教育资源持续性地向中心城镇集中,另一方面是农村学校的文化整合功能弱化与乡村教师的去精英化或日益底层化。 在对 J 省 N 市的六所农村小学进行深入调研的基础之上,本研究发现,我国农村义务教育的相对“衰败冶不仅仅导致了农村义务教育本身的低度发展,同时更深刻地带给乡土社会一系列的危机:家园的荒废与合格农业劳动者的供给断层;现代性的追逐与乡土文化及规范传承的断裂;注定失败的教育竞争与个体及家庭向上流动希望的破灭。 农村义务教育“衰败冶受到双重机制的影响:传统城镇化与教育政策效应的路径依赖、阶层间的非理性教育竞赛及其合法性压力。 因此,可以从农业产业结构调整、城乡联动、家校合作三个方面来积极应对农村义务教育“衰败冶及其影响。
      In recent years, there is a quite obvious decline of compulsory education in rural China. It includes two dimen-sions: one is the outflow of rural students, teachers and other education resources to the town or city, another is the weake-ning of cultural integration function of rural school in the countryside and the process of de-elitism or downward mobility of rural school teachers. Based on a deep survey of six primary schools in N District, J Province, this research found that the decline of compulsory education in rural China would cause to a series of crises for rural society which are the supply fault of qualified agricultural labor forces, the breakage of inheritance of rural culture or norms, the hopeless of social upward flow of students in rural area. The decline of compulsory education in rural China is influenced by two mechanisms which are the path dependence of urbanization and cultural policies effects, the cultural competition in the society and its legitima-cy pressure. The government needs to take measures such as adjusting the industrial structure of agriculture, the coordina-tion between city and countryside, the cooperation between school and family to deal with the problem of education decline in rural China.
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