1956 年《农业生产合作社示范章程》立法的历史考察
A Historical Research on the Formulation of the Model Charter of Agricultural Production Cooperatives in 1956
中文关键词: 农业合作化  《农业生产合作社示范章程》  立法程序
英文关键词: Agricultural cooperation  the Model Charter of Agricultural Production Cooperatives  Legislative process
胡 震 中国农业大学人文与发展学院 
摘要点击次数: 641
全文下载次数: 153
      为实施 1954 年宪法所规定的过渡时期总路线、引导广大农民加入合作社并提炼总结合作化运动的成功经验,在中央农村工作部和毛泽东的先后主持下,中央起草了《农业生产合作社示范章程》草案。 为在全国上下取得思想和行动上的统一,草案先在党的中央委员会讨论通过,再经立法程序,交由政协协商、国家机关修改和广大人民群众充分讨论,最后由全国人大通过。 《章程》制订过程鲜明体现了新宪法框架下中国共产党领导的协商民主立法形式,对我国当前乡村振兴、协商民主发展和立法建设有着重要的历史借鉴意义。
      In order to implement the general transitional line stipulated in the Constitution of 1954, to guide the broad masses of peasants to join the cooperatives and to refine and sum up the successful experiences of the cooperative movement, under the auspices of the Central Ministry of Rural Work and Mao Zedong successively, The Central Committee has drafted the Model Charter of Agricultural Production Cooperatives. Considering the unity of thought and action throughout the country, the draft was first discussed and adopted by the Central Committee of the Party, then passed through legislative procedures and submitted to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. The process of formulating the Model Charter reflects the unification of the Party’s leadership, deliberative legislation and democratic legislation under the new constitutional framework, which has important historical reference significance on rural revitalization strategy, deliberative democracy and legislative construction.
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