从城乡分割到城乡一体:中国农村基本公共服务政策变迁 40 年
From Urban-Rural Separation to Urban-Rural Integration: Transformation of China’s Rural Basic Public Service Policies in the Past Four Decades
中文关键词: 农村  基本公共服务  城乡一体化
英文关键词: Rural  Basic public service  Urban-rural integration
林万龙 中国农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1272
全文下载次数: 382
      40 年来中国农村基本公共服务政策体系的变迁可以归纳为三个阶段,即政府财政明显缺位阶段(1978—2002 年)、公共财政逐步覆盖阶段(2003—2013 年)和走向城乡一体化阶段(2014 年至今)。在农村改革启动之后的相当长时期内,农村基本公共服务政策的实质仍然是人民公社时期政策的延续,政府财政并没有在公社解体后相应承担起提供农村基本公共服务的职责。 从 2003 年起之后的 10 年左右时间,中国基本构筑起了以公共财政支持为主的农村基本公共服务体系,但仍然留存了显著的城乡二元痕迹。 2014 年以来,以城乡基本养老保险制度并轨为标志,城乡基本公共服务政策体系的一体化工作开始启动,城乡基本公共服务均等化的政策体系开始构建,旧体制的遗迹终于开始了彻底的消除。 但在提升农村基本公共服务水平、实现城乡基本公共服务均等化方面,仍然任重而道远。
      This paper summarizes transformation of China’s rural basic public service policies in the past four decades as three phases: obvious vacancy of public finance (1978—2002), gradually coverage by public finance (2003—2013) and move towards urban - rural integration (2014 - ). Analysis of this paper shows that during a long time after the initiation of rural reform, rural basic public service policy system is the extending of the policy system of People’s Commune in essence, i. e. no enough responsibility for government’s finance to provide rural basic public service. About 10 years from year 2003, Chinese government built rural basic public service system which is mainly supported by public finance, while remaining remarkable character of urban-rural separation. From year 2004, marked with the merging of rural and urban basic pension insurance systems, integration of urban and rural basic public service policy systems has initialed, equalization of urban-rural basic public service has begun to build and historical remains of the old system has begun to be completely abolished. But it also should be kept in mind that the objective of improving rural basic public service and realizing equalization of urban-rural basic public service embarks on a long road.
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