Analysis of the Influential Factors on the Link Performance of Rural Low Insurance and Poverty Alleviation and Development in Contiguous Stricken Area——Investigation from Two Counties in the Liupanshan Special Stricken Area
中文关键词: 农村低保与扶贫开发  制度衔接  因素识别  质性分析
英文关键词: Rural low insurance and poverty alleviation and development  Cohesion of institution  Factor identification  Qualitative analysis
焦克源 兰州大学管理学院 
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      农村低保与扶贫开发衔接作为我国反贫困战略的重要组成部分,其减贫效果和政策优势逐步显现,但制约两项制度衔接绩效的影响因素仍未消除。 文章选取六盘山连片特困区具有典型贫困特征的定西市两个县作为研究样本,借助 NVivo11 分析软件,运用质性研究方法,对两项制度衔接绩效影响因素进行分析发现:贫困人口识别、政策评价监督、干部队伍建设、部门之间协作是核心影响因素,政策精准及政策执行系核心影响过程。 根据分析结果提出了优化两项制度衔接的相关对策,以期助推衔接过程更加合理运行。
      The linkages between Rural low insurance and poverty alleviation and development are important components of China’s anti-poverty strategy. Its policy advantage and poverty reduction effects have become more pronounced. However, the factors that constrain the performance of the two policies have not yet been eliminated. Therefore, this paper selects two counties in Dingxi, a contiguous destitute area of Liupanshan with typical poverty characteristics, as the research sample. Using NVivo11 qualitative analysis software and qualitative research methods to analyze the influencing factors of the two policies’ cohesion performance. It is found that: poverty population identification, policy evaluation and supervision, cadre team building, departmental cooperation are the core influencing factors invovled, meanwhile, the policy precision and policy implementation are the core impact of the process. According to the result of the analysis, the authors put forward some countermeasures to optimize the convergence of the two policies so as to promote the convergence process to run more rationally.
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