Relocation of Poverty Alleviation Under the Vision of Campaign-style Governance
中文关键词: 易地扶贫搬迁  运动型治理  常规型治理  社会有效性
英文关键词: Relocation of poverty alleviation  Campaign-style governance  Conventional governance  Social validity
张 建 云南大学文化发展研究院 
摘要点击次数: 2212
全文下载次数: 718
      起始于20世纪80年代的易地扶贫搬迁,对于减轻生态压力和贫困人口的减贫发展都起到重要作用,是中国扶贫经验的重要组成部分。 在脱贫攻坚新时期,易地扶贫搬迁成为精准脱贫“五个一批”的维度之一,承担起1000万贫困人口脱贫的任务。 此次易地扶贫搬迁“时间紧、任务重、难度大冶的特征突出,凸显出较为典型的“运动型治理冶属性,这一治理方式与常规治理方式相互作用,表现出对“搬得出”的短期目标的高度有效性,但是在“稳得住、能致富”的长期目标上存在着一定的限度,需要在实践中不断完善,以增强这一治理方式的社会有效性。
      The relocation of poverty alleviation, which began in the 1980s, played an important role in alleviating ecological pressure and poverty alleviation. It is an important part of China’s poverty alleviation experience. In the new era, relocation of poverty alleviation has become one dimension of the” Five Ways of Alleviating Poverty”, and it has taken on the task of getting rid of poverty for 10 million poor people. The task of relocation of poverty alleviation is heavy and difficult, and it’s typical campaign-style governance, which interacts with conventional governance and shows validity for short-term goal of “moving out”. But there are certain limits on the long-term goal of “living steadily and becoming rich”. It needs to be continuously improved in practice to enhance the social validity of campaign-style governance.
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