A Geographical Analysis of the Poverty Causes in China’s Contiguous Destitute Areas
中文关键词: 三次地理本性  指标体系  灰色关联  贫困成因
英文关键词: Three geographical natures  Index system  Grey correlation method  Poverty Cause
田 园 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1295
全文下载次数: 1059
      区域性贫困是我国突出的发展难题,贫困地区的致贫因素在地理学基础上可能存在着结构性的差异。 针对这一问题,文章根据新经济地理理论建立指标体系,使用灰色关联法建模计算14个连片特困地区的致贫因素,剖析了我国区域性贫困形成的层次性原因。 结果表明:人力资本与信息化水平更多制约了当前中国东部山区,如大别山区、燕山—太行山区、大兴安岭南麓山区的发展;中部山区如罗霄山区、吕梁山区、武陵山区主要受交通 - 经济区位落后及部分自然禀赋欠缺的影响较大;西部山区如西藏区、四省藏区、新疆南疆三地州、滇西边境山区的首要致贫因素还是集中在自然禀赋方面,但具体成因各异。 最后,针对不同地理成因引发的贫困,文中讨论了相关的政策问题。
      The most critical development problems in China is the existence of a considerable number of contiguous destitute areas (also known as regional poverty), and the causes behind such regional poverty might structurally differ by geographical characteristics. To deal with the problem, this paper, based on the “Three Nature” theory of New Economic Geography, first establishes an analytical index system of poverty causes, and then uses the gray relational method to identify the causes of poverty in 14 contiguous destitute areas. The results show that, at present, the main poverty causes in the mountain areas in eastern part of China, such as the Dabie Mountain area and the southern Greater Khingan mountain area, are the shortage of human capital and information technology. In contrast, the main factors behind regional poverty in the central mountain areas such as the Luo Xiao Mountain area, the Lvliang Mountain area are poor transport, locational and other natural factors. The western mountain regions such as Tibet, four provinces’ Tibetan areas, and the West Yunnan border area are especially affected by natural endowments, but each area’s specific cause for poverty is different from one another. At last, this paper discusses relevant policy issues.
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