Rural Poverty Alleviation: Rural-urban Transforming Trend and its Approach
中文关键词: 农村贫困人口  扶贫  进城脱贫  新型城镇化
英文关键词: Rural poverty  Poverty alleviation  Out of poverty by working in the city  New urbanization
吴业苗 南京师范大学社会发展学院 
摘要点击次数: 1316
全文下载次数: 650
      农村贫困人口脱贫是全面建成小康社会最艰巨的任务,如此,政府和社会各界在农村场域中开展了新一轮扶贫攻坚战,冀望农村贫困人口能够“如期脱贫冶。 中国农村扶贫工作主战场始终在农村,采用的主要是政府为主导的“强力冶式扶贫,然而,现实中农村相当多的贫困人口是通过进城打工方式脱贫的。 虽然在这种脱贫方式中农民拥有更多的主动权,成本低,实施也比较容易,但遗憾的是,一直以来政府没有将农村扶贫转向到城镇,更没有根据新型城镇化发展趋势开展城乡联动扶贫工作。 如今,国家正在大力推进以“人的城镇化冶为核心的新型城镇化发展,政府需要将农村扶贫、脱贫工作融入到城镇化发展中,进而更好地引导、帮助农村贫困人口进城脱贫。
      Helping the poor rural population out of poverty is the most difficult task of comprehensively building a well-off society. Therefore, the government and all society are developing a new round of battle to alleviate poverty in rural areas, hoping help poor rural population out of poverty as scheduled. The main battlefield of China’s rural poverty alleviation has always been in the rural areas, and the government mainly adopted some “ administrative means” ways. However, in the reality, a considerable number of rural poor population got out of poverty by working in the cities. Since it is easy and in low cost, peasants are initiative to be immigrants. However, unfortunately, the government has not switched poverty alleviation to cities and towns and even not carried it out by linking urban and rural areas together on the basis of new urbanization development. Today, countries are actively promoting the new type of urbanization development based on “people-centered urbanization”. The government needs to integrate rural poverty alleviation and poverty removal into the development of urbanization, and then guide and help the rural poor population to work in cities and get rid of poverty.
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