Study on Poverty Governance in Developed Areas: Evidence from Jiangsu Province
投稿时间:2017-11-01  修订日期:2017-11-01
中文关键词: 贫困治理  联村共建  家门口就业  泗阳模式
英文关键词: Poverty Governance  joint construction of village  Employment nearby  Siyang model
基金项目:本文是国家社科基金“基于精准扶贫视角下的目标群小额信贷研究” (项目编号:16BJY185)的阶段性研究成果。
谢玉梅* 江南大学商学院教授 xbcy@cau.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1242
全文下载次数: 478
      十三五期间,江苏围绕减少相对贫困、缩小收入差距、促进共同富裕的目标,在促进集体增收与农民增收良性互动、实行扶贫开发与社会保障相衔接等方面形成了一批行之有效的重要做法和成功经验。本文通过对宿迁国家扶贫改革试验区的调查,以泗阳为例,分析泗阳县扶贫改革路径、家门口就业脱贫模式及其成效。研究认为,泗阳县村集体经济和低收入农户增收同步发展及村级 “三资”中心管理方式对其他地区具有借鉴意义;针对目前精准扶贫识别、农村空心化突出等问题,建议在经济发达地区,尝试用动态和相对概念来测度贫困、以共治理念扶贫脱贫、以美丽乡村建设构建扶贫长效机制。
      During the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan, Jiangsu focuses on goals of reducing the relative poverty, narrowing the income gap and promoting common prosperity. As the national poverty alleviation and reform experimental zone, Suqian City formed a number of effective practice and successful experience in boosting the benign interaction between the collective income and farmers'' income, joining together the poverty alleviation and development and social security. Taking Siyang County as an example based on the investigation of Suqian area, this paper analyzes the poverty-eradication model of “employment nearby” and the characteristics and achievements of sustainable innovation in poverty alleviation. Siyang model shows two pieces of reference including the synchronous development of the village collective economy and the income of low - income farmers and the management mode of the village-level fund. According to the problems of "Hollowing Out" and “Left-Behind” during the developed areas, this paper suggests the government should establish the relative poverty index system with the dynamic and relative concepts, and build a long-term effective mechanism of poverty alleviation by co-governance and the construction of beautiful village.
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