From Grassroots Innovation to the Center‘s System Construction: the Path of System Transformation in Contemporary Rural China
投稿时间:2017-08-06  修订日期:2017-10-27
中文关键词: 底层创新  上层建制  中国农村  体制变革
英文关键词: Innovation from grassroots  System construction from above  Rural China  System transformation
基金项目:上海市哲学社会科学规划一般项目“驻区单位区域化党建参与意愿的影响因素和提升路径研究冶 (批准号:2017BDS001);国家社科基金“十八大以来党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略研究专项 工程项目冶(批准号:16ZZD036)。
王可园* 华东师范大学 kandy811030@sina.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1707
全文下载次数: 588
      [摘 要] 当代中国农村体制变革进程实际上是一个从底层创新到上层建制的过程,农民的底层创新实践包括生存压力下对集体经济制度的“修改”、经济理性主导下对集体经济制度的突破,以及权利诉求下对农村基层社会治理体制的创新。政策修改和“合法化”农民创新实践两种方式实现了底层创新向上层建制的转变。上层建制受到维护政治统治、当时的国家发展战略、当代中国基本国情、领导人的意识形态和国际环境等因素的影响。
      The system transformation process in contemporary rural China is characterized by a transition from grassroots innovation to system construction at the higher level. Peasants爷 initiative practices involve the modification of the collective economy system under the pressure of subsistence; breaking through the collective economy system brought by economic ra- tionality; and the creation of social government system in the countryside resulted from rights pursuit. Modifying policies and legitimizing peasants爷 initiative practices lead to the transition from initiative at the grassroots to system construction. Higher level爷s system construction behavior will receive influence from four aspects: defending the political rule; state’ s developmental strategies; fundamental realities in contemporary China; main leaders‘ ideology and international environ鄄 ment.
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