生计困境与草原环境压力下的牧民? ——来自新疆一个牧业连队的调查
Pastoral?Livelihood?Dilemma?and?the?Changing?Ecosystem?View?Under?the? Pressure?of?Grassland?Environment ----A Case Study of a Village in Xinjiang
投稿时间:2016-09-13  修订日期:2016-12-07
中文关键词: 生计方式  草原环境  哈萨克族  游牧文化
英文关键词: livelihood  ?grassland?environment  ?Kazak  ?ecological?view
聂爱文 石河子大学政法学院教授、硕士生导师 
孙荣垆* 新疆石河子大学政法学院 
摘要点击次数: 1666
全文下载次数: 636
      Based on the field investigation of a village in Xinjiang, this paper found that there are various factors leading to the deterioration of the local ecological environment of grassland, including both factors of natural environment change and human. Under the development model of government-dominated, many settled herdsmen living in poverty due to the failing of livelihood transformation. The change of the pastoral livelihood and the enhancement of the market consciousness make the herdsmen gradually lost the indigenous knowledge and the value of protecting biodiversity. The interaction of the four factors of the changing of the natural environment, the development model of government-dominated, poverty and the lack of the traditional ecological culture, led to the deterioration of the ecological environment of the local grassland.
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