[11]Verordnung (EU) Nr. 16/2011 der Kommission vom 10.01.2011 mit Durchführungsbestimmungen für das Schnellwarnsystem für Lebens- und Futtermittel, ABl. L 6 vom 11.01.2011, 7 ff.[12] BMELV. Strategien der Lebensmittelsicherheit. 2013, p. 24.
投稿时间:2014-09-25  修订日期:2014-09-25
中文关键词: 农业法  可持续发展  粮食安全
英文关键词: Agricultural law  sustainability  food safety
Ines H?rtel* 奥德河畔法兰克福欧洲大学法学院教授中国农业大学兼职教授 liyumeicau@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 6051
全文下载次数: 3530
      Agriculture is facing four major challenges including the advance of globalization, food safety and food quality, the increase of world population and global environmental problems. The Agricultural Law has to react on these challenges to create a mandatory and reliable frame for sustainable agriculture, in order to support and guarantee farmers to improve their farming knowledge and the development of agricultural technology. Meanwhile, it is useful for the law adjustment to the third agricultural revolution and for solving the fragmentation of global agricultural law. Due to the globalization of agriculture, the Hard Law and the Soft Law play an important role for the multi-level system in the Agricultural Law. As to food safety, we should not only have national regulations, but also create international ones. An effective legal system for food safety does not exist on the global level. The legal system should establish binding objectives and principles for global food security. The comparative study of agricultural law in both Germany and China will be helpful to establish such legal system, and to overcome the fragmentation of global agricultural law.
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