人口老龄化与农村老年贫困问题 ———兼论人口流动的影响
Issues on Aging of Population and Poverty ofAged People in Rural China———Relating research on migration influences
中文关键词: 人口老龄化  人口流动  农村老年贫困
英文关键词: Aging of population  Migration  Rural area  Poverty of aged people
基金项目:本文系2010 年国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“我国特殊类型贫困地区扶贫开发战略研究冶(项目 号:10zd&025)以及“中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目冶 (项目号:13XNH153)研究成果。
王瑜 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院博士研究生 
汪三贵 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院教授、博导,中国人民大学反贫困问题研究中心主任,邮 编:100872。 
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      随着我国农村社会人口老龄化程度加深、乡城人口流动规模的扩大,农村老年人福利状况更加复杂,然而,目前仍缺乏对老年群体有针对性的贫困监测。文章提出老年贫困测量应衡量经济条件、身体健康和心理状况多个维度,并从人口老龄化和人口流动的视角,使用“中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)"数据对农村老年人的收入、健康和心理三个维度进行了贫困决定分析。分析表明,子女数量对老年人的经济贫困和心理贫困都有显著的影响;独居的老人陷入三种贫困的风险更高;而无退休金的老年人陷入经济贫困的风险比是有退休金老人的22 倍。
      Associations in the development of agricultural industrialization play an important role. Authors found that, with the development of agricultural industrialization, four kinds of associations existed in the China's current agricultural production and management areas, that they were farmer specialized and technical associations, agricultural trade associations,agricultural industrialization leading business associations, as well as the agricultural Industrialization Association respectively. Farmer specialized and technical associations are microlevel; vertical development of agricultural industry associations and horizontal integration of the leading business associations are the mesolevel; and established by the governmentled industrialization of agriculture associations are belong to the macrolevel. This paper discussed the context of the industrialization of agriculture, the causes of four associations and functions and their relationships, analyzed the existing problems and also proposed countermeasures in the end.
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