Analysis on Farmers Ecological Right Mechanism in RuralEcological Environment Protection and Legislation design
中文关键词: 农民  生态权  人权  生态保护  立法
英文关键词: Key words: Farmers  Ecological rights  Human rights  Ecological protection  Legislation
张安毅 河南财经政法大学法学院副教授、硕士生导师,郑州大学河南省国有公司治理研究中心研究 人员,邮编:450002 
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      赋予农民生态权可以使农民成为农村生态建设的权利主体,为农民在环境立法上争取话语 权奠定制度基础。然而,生态资源的公共性和生态系统的整体性使得个体农民在生态利益中没有明确 的权利份额,也无法基于自己的单个权益决策环境事项、救济生态损害。为了使作为宪法权利的农民生 态权得以落实,立法上需要具体规定农民的生态知情权、生态参与权、生态公益诉权,并通过农民环保组 织引导农民生态权实现的组织化、理性化和有序化。
      Giving farmers the ecological rights can enable farmers to become the rights subject of rural ecological construction, and establish the institutional basis for the farmers strive for the discourse power in the environmental legislation. However, the public of ecological resources and overall of ecosystem make Giving farmers the ecological rights can enable farmers to become the rights subject of rural ecological construction, and establish the institutional basis for the farmers strive for the discourse power in the environmental legislation. However, the public of ecological resources and overall of ecosystem make individual farmers lack of clear rights share in the ecological benefit, cannot make environment decision or relief ecological damage based on their individual rights and interests. In order to implement the farmer ecology as a constitutional right, farmer ecology, ecological participation rights and ecological public appeal need to be specified on legislation. Meanwhile, farmers’ environmental organizations need to help local farmers realizing eco-organized, rational and orderly farmer ecology.
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